My Life So Far

Friday, January 23, 2015

How To Be A Successful Forex Trader

How to be A Successful Trader? or How to Be Successful In Forex Trading?

These 2 questions are probably to most ask questions when it comes to forex trading.

To trade Live with real money is the goal of every trader because who doesn't want to be able o work at home and make money just by looking at their computer.

Yes, the forex market can allow us to do this but it is not that easy.

Luckily, there are 'demo accounts' that newbie traders can trade with before their commit their hard earned money.

But the question comes again.

How and when will we be ready to jump into a live forex acount?

Here is a step by step guide that can help you determine if you are ready.

The basic steps are:

1. Get some charts (demo account).

2. Learn your trading system.

3. Double your demo account.

4. Open the smallest possible live account. 

5. Add additional funds.

6. Only use 1/3 of your fund able money

You look at the list and may think... well it is pretty straightforward and simple.

But trust me, things are not easy.

I have been there...

But this is a formula that can make you a successful trader. (if you follow it)

So take your time to build your trading method and habit and things will follow..

It takes time to get better but eventually, thing will get better..

All the best

Yours sincerely,

 Check Out my other posts here- My Justinnation

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