My Life So Far

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Why I Stop Posting Gaming Videos

Here I am again with another blog post and today, I would like to give an explanation on why I stop posting gaming videos on my Youtube channel as well as blog post regarding to gaming.

Well,  the OBVIOUS reason is it TOO MUCH WORK...



Initially, I thought it would be great to create an additional source of income via Youtube.

I notice many gaming channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers and DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY YOU CAN MAKE FROM YOUTUBE if you have that much subscribers?

I am  guessing A LOT...


Finishing 2 gaming series , Uncharted 3 and Just Cause 3, I surrender...

Firstly, I can't really enjoy the game 100% because I gotta record the game play and be aware that I capture everything.

Then, there is the uploading and editing etc..

It just takes too much time and the video processing actually hurts my laptop...

I mean, my laptop is used for my Forex Trading...

So, I don't want to  have anything that will decrease the efficiency of my LAPTOP...

Secondly, it's not that i am desperate for YouTube income..

It is just something that I like and I though, I am going to play the games anyway, why not record and upload to Youtube.

BUT NOOoooo.... too much work for me man...

Since then, i have completed more games like Assassins Creed Syndicate, Witcher 3 and Far Cry Primal....

So... in the end, I just want to enjoy my games.....

Yours sincerely,


My Blog- My Justinnation
My Youtube Channel-

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