My Life So Far

Friday, November 13, 2015

Heard Of Capital Assets Management?

Forex is a very lucrative industry and I believe many profit-aimed people or organization will look to use this as a bait for them to earn lots of money.

When there is a system or a company out there claiming that they can profit you with the best trading system or if you choose to invest with them, they can promise you a certain amount of return...

But when I think about it...

If a person is REALLY GOOD in FOREX TRADING...

Why would he go through all the hassle of setting up a company and looking for investors to invest  or looking for people to subscribe to his trading signals...

Wouldn't it be juts enough to make profits from you own trading activities...

But of course, Forex is more than capable of providing higher investment returns if you compare to other form of investment like stocks or property that takes a longer time.

So, that brings me to my topic today.

There is a company called Capital Assets Management here in Kuala Lumpur.

I believe it is rather new company... This is their website:

What they provide is Managed Forex Account services.

They have 2 Solutions.. You can check their website for more details.

However, I am not here yo day to promote their service.

But I am here to warn you about it..

You see, I subscribe and attended one of their webinar recently.

It was a very basic webinar, an introduction about forex trading.

Then, they started to send me trading signals.

This is the 1st Signal I received from them

The this one
Then this one (notice the previous ones are still pending)

I start to realize that their signals are crap. (excuse my language)
And a few days later, I got this

So upon receiving this, I send an email asking them about their signals.

Most of them are losses.... How can it be?
So, they replied me this:

Yes, I know losing is normal in Forex....

But why is all their trades Pending Trades?

Perhaps the trades that they send out are different from he ones that they use in their managed funds..

Anyway, Ijust wanted to share my experience about this.

To me, in forex trading,you enter a trade when you see a set up.

It makes no sense to put a pending order.

That is just a 50-50 proposition.

We are not interested in 50-50 right?

Well, enough said.

This is the performance statistics taken out from their website

Is it good or bad?

I leave it for you to decide.

In any case, do a very good research before you commit your hard earned money to any fund managers out there.

It is your hard earned money and not theirs.

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