My Life So Far

Monday, March 16, 2015

Long Term Forex Trading Strategies

In forex trading, traders can choose from various ways to trade.

Generally, we can classify the  trades into 2 types of trades

  • Short term trading
  • Long term trading

Today, I going to share some ideas with you about Long Term Forex Trading Strategies

First up is the popular Trend Trading Strategy.

This type of long term forex trading method is widely used by traders all over the world because it is well known to be the most profitable forex trading technique.

If you can execute the trades correctly, of course.

When traders identify the major trend o f the market, they will trade along in the same direction.

Their entry can be at correction points, support and resistance or pull backs.

Pretty simple don't you think?

However, a lot of traders are unable to trade with this method simply because they tend to glue themselves to the charts.

This leads to over thinking and hence, closing their trades earlier.

Another reason could be the insufficient fund that they have in their account to weather the adverse market conditions.

When there is a sudden big movement, they will often get caught and stopped out of their position.

The second strategy is The Carry Trade Strategy.

The Carry Trade is another popular long term forex traddng strategy which is widely used by major financial institutions, hedge funds and large individual traders.
This trading technique exploits the differential in the interest rates paid out and charged over 2 different currencies.
Traders can earn through the movement of the interest rates on a daily basis.
Therefore, traders will go long when with the high yielding currency and go short with the low yielding currency.

Yours sincerely,

 Check Out my other posts here- My Justinnation

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